1. When should I start studying for the LSAT?

The LSAT can be a time consuming endeavor for those who are currently enrolled in college and for those who are taking a break to get ready for their law school adventure. You should expect your LSAT score to correlate with the amount of time you study for it. The more time and resources you use, the higher the score. With our guidance, we suggest 6-12 months of studying and tutoring to see optimal results.


2. What if my benchmark LSAT is really low?

The LSAT is a inherently difficult exam and your first practice exam is a reflection of your abilities to take the exam without having learned the strategies yet. People score different based on the education they have previously received as some might have majored in mathematics which leads to better results on Logical Games, while others who studied English might have a better understanding on Reading Comprehension. Much like learning to ride a bike or playing golf, without the proper technique, you will struggle to get your desired score. With our tutoring, we will provide you with the techniques required to reach your desired score. 


3. What is the benefits of 1-on-1 tutoring rather than group tutoring?

With 1-on-1 tutoring, our tutors are able to give more time dedicated to the student and allows the student to set the pace of the sessions. While group sessions are a great tool to get an overview of the LSAT and get exposed to the different variations of questions, 1-on-1 allows the tutor to go through every question and help guide the student on the correct technique needed to ace the section.